Travel Information
Lake Atitlan Travel and Info
Cost of
Living in Antigua, Guatemala
Panajachel Cost of Living
Guatemala Homepage/Directory
Adventurer's Guide to Guatemala
Don’t go to
Guatemala without this book! Take advantage of what we know. Click
The Adventurer's Guide to Pana Living
The most comprehensive guide
to Panajachel ever!
Adventurer's Guide to Guatemala
Stories about
(see stories about
medical experiences in Guatemala at the bottom of page)
Street Beggars, Part of an Expat Lifestyle
Make the Most of Feasting Internationally
12 tips on eating well while traveling and still stay on a
Quick Comparison: Chapala, Mexico to Panajachel, Guatemala
VIDEO - Sunset Over
Tranquil Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
VIDEO - Riding the Curvy Road into Panajachel, Guatemala
VIDEO - Private Driver from Guatemala Airport to Lake Atitlan
VIDEO - Take a Lancha across Lake Atitlan - Stunning Boat Ride!
VIDEO - Jazz at La Palapa, Panajachel, Guatemala LIVE MUSIC!!!
VIDEO - Inside the Day
Market in Panajachel, Guatemala
Reasons to Move to Latin America
Exotic Travel for Less
Tooth Implant Billy
received a tooth implant in Xela, Guatemala. Excellent care!
Prices, name of dentist, more.
Panajachel, Guatemala - Spending for a Single Guy
VIDEO - It's Party
Time at Kitsch Cafe - LIVE MUSIC!
VIDEO - Beautiful Lightning Show over Lake Atitlan
Boda... A Traditional Mayan Wedding
Personal Capital - Living the Village Life
Down not out in Pana
Maya Market Day, Panajachel
VIDEO - Chicken Buses in Guatemala
VIDEO - Faces of Guatemala
VIDEO - Riding in a Flete Taxi, Panajachel
VIDEO - Quick Survival Tips for Travel
Panajachel, Guatemala to Tapachula, Mexico
Comparing Various Latin American Cities and Towns for
Retirement Living
Mammogram in Guatemala
Circus Bar, Panajachel
Holy Week Procession, Panajachel
Quick Comparison: Chapala, Mexico
to Panajachel, Guatemala
Safety in Guatemala
Tuscani Restaurant, Pana
Growing Cafe Kitsch, Pana
Panajachel, Guatemala, The Beginning of the World
The Pana Vortex
Smokin' Joes BBQ, Panajachel
Oh Joy! Another Dental Emergency, Pana

Volcano San Pedro is one
of three that surrounds Beautiful Lake Atitlan
Chero's Bar, Pana
Unlocking the "Girl Effect" in Guatemala
105 Day Adventure
Awesome Christmas Day
Pig Roast
Eatin' Good in the 'Hood
Stories about other lakeside towns
(see stories about
medical experiences in Guatemala at the bottom of page)
A Garifuna Story Teller, Livingston, Guatemala
El Dragon Hotel, San Marcos de
Solola, Guatemala Festival
VIDEO - Solola Market, Sights and Sounds
VIDEO - An Encounter with a Young Vendor in
Panajachel, Guatemala
VIDEO - View of Lake
Atitlan and Santa Catarina Village, Guatemala
VIDEO - Lake Front and Village Views of Santa Catarina,
VIDEO - On the Shore
in Santa Catarina, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
VIDEO - Santa Catarina, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Club Ven Aca, Jaibalito
Artesano Vinos y Quesos, San Juan
Lole's Place, San Pedro
Pequenos Pecados, San Pedro
VIDEO - Taxi Ride Down the Hill for a Thrill, Lake
The Natives are Getting Restless
Panimache, Guatemala - Where the Shoe Shine Boys Live

Solola to Concepcion
Billy's San Pedro Adventure
Ladies Who Lunch, CECAP Santa
San Pedro Christmas Day Pig Roast
Concepcion Chiquirichapa, Solola, Guatemala
VIDEO - Solola Market
VIDEO - Festival de
Maiz - Solola
Market Day in Solola
Stories about Antigua
(see stories about medical
experiences in Guatemala at the bottom of page)
Antigua - sights and history
VIDEO - Antigua's Beautiful Plaza, Guatemala
Living in Antigua, Guatemala, Active Adult Residence, Skilled
Nursing Care - Casa Muriel
El Viejo Cafe, Antigua
Ganache, Cafe y Pasteleria Francesa, Antigua
Shoes of Latina Women, Antigua, Guatemala
Casa Escobar, Antigua
Casa Santo Domingo, Antigua, Guatemala
House of Rum, Antigua, Guatemala
VIDEO - Let Antigua
into Your Heart
VIDEO - El Fuego
Erupts in Guatemala!
VIDEO - Maya Lady
Washing Clothes
VIDEO - Sunday on the
Plaza, Antigua, Guatemala
VIDEO - Sunday on the
Plaza 2, Antigua, Guatemala
VIDEO - Moon Setting
over 2 volcanoes, Antigua, Guatemala

Maya child
McDonald's in Antigua, Guatemala
Guate Java Roastery and Coffee House, Antigua, Guatemala
El Faro Restaurante y Taqueria, Antigua, Guatemala
Randy's Grill, Antigua, Guatemala
Ta'Cool Taco Shop, Antigua, Guatemala
Shoe Shine Boys of Antigua, Guatemala
Sobremesa Ice Cream, Antigua, Guatemala
Jazz Concerts in Antigua, Guatemala
Tabacos y Vinos, Antigua
The Snug Bar, Antigua, Guatemala

Ven Aca Restaurant, Jaibalito,
Lake Atitlan
Maya Ruins
Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Faces of
Let Antigua into Your
The Maid, the Thief and Forgiveness -
What Would You Do?

Children playing in the
fountain, Main Plaza, Antigua
Stories about Medical experiences
Tooth Implant Billy
received a tooth implant in Xela, Guatemala. Excellent care! Prices,
name of dentist, more.
Mammogram in Guatemala
Billy puts Medical Tourism in Guatemala City to a Test
Billy's Medical Tourism Follow Up
Pricing of
a Medical Emergency in Guatemala

Response and Cure, Akaisha's Finger Injury
Maneuvering through Medical Events Overseas - What About the Language
The Fickle
Finger of Fate
watch an insightful and instructive video on Guatemala Medical Travel
with interviews of both Doctors and Patients,
Click here
Interview with Lori Shea, Owner,
Guatemala Medical Travel
Early Lifestyle appeals to a different
kind of person – the person who prizes their
independence, values their time, and who doesn’t
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