Retire Early Lifestyle
Retirement; like your parents, but way cooler

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In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this financially independent lifestyle, they invite you to take advantage of their wisdom and experience.




Book Review
Your Simple Path to FIRE
Billy & Akaisha Kaderli

Many write about investments and retirement but the Kaderlis are professional retirees with 33 years experience. Their E-Book, ‘The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement: Your Simple Path to FIRE  is a must for the over 40’s.

Forty-four chapters are stacked with insight and information. They challenge the reader to look - not only at their finances - but also within themselves. Retired at 38 years of age, the Kaderlis travel the world as a lifestyle doing this on less baht, pesos, yuan or their native US$ than you can imagine. Their uncomplicated approach to investments and withdrawals was one that even I could understand! This book is about lifestyle choices that we all have - and places retirement well within the reach of many.
Available now on their website for US$17.95.

David Hardy

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About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on


Retire Early Lifestyle appeals to a different kind of person – the person who prizes their independence, values their time, and who doesn’t want to mindlessly follow the crowd.

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