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"The most popular Early Retirement book"

Powerful     Practical     Substantive

Stressed out at your job?

Unlock our secrets to
Financial Independence, Retire Early

Join us on this road less traveled

Click here for more information

If you ever wonder how much impact you have made on complete strangers, wonder no more! We are grateful you have pioneered the path! Thanks for thinking differently back in 1991 and going against conventional approach. Warm regards and cheers, Maria

Your Retirement Dream is Pissible


$14.95 USD 



Your Retirement Dream IS possible

Gain YOUR Independence!
It's not where you are, it's where you are headed.

Do not let others steal YOUR Dreams.

With over 30 years of retirement experiences and adventures
let us show you how.

We give you the map, but YOU determine your path.

Forward by Mary Beth Franklin
Senior Editor, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine

Click here for more information 247pages over 200 photos TOC

This book is a must-read for anyone who dreams of retirement but worries that their plan has been derailed by a weak economy. "The dream is still possible," say Billy and Akaisha Kaderli, and they should know. Retired in 1991 at the age of 38, the Kaderlis have been living an adventurous, global life and have taught us that enrichment doesn't have to cost a fortune. Using their own inspirational retirement as an example, they step readers through practical advice about building and managing a financial portfolio, health care concerns, housing, traveling and lifestyle choices. After reading this book, you'll come away not only with a solid financial plan, but the courage and know-how to take the leap into the life you want.

Judy Martel, author of "The Dilemmas of Family Wealth," and's Wealth blog.

Just got back from my first visit to Lake Chapala. Definitely won't be the last. You guys are right on the mark - it's a beautiful place. Thanks for your advice and for steering me there. Hope next time we get a chance to meet.
George Sweet

I stay in the Chapala area the months of January and February - then July and August every year. I went there originally because of your book The Chapala Guide. I am unable to retire because of family reasons, however, my life is great - 8 months here and 4 months there works out great. I do not take a car to Lakeside - buses are easy and walking is great. Thank you for everything including saving my life. The need to get away is big sometimes, and the Chapala area is perfect for my budget. Will appreciate you forever.



$17.95 USD

The Adventurer's Guide to Chapala Living

Retirement becoming out of reach? Perhaps you should look at alternatives for a lower cost, higher quality lifestyle. Read why Lake Chapala, Mexico is the #1 retirement destination outside the USA Click here

The Chapala Guide offers step-by-step instructions with over 120 pages chocked full of details for your first visit to this extraordinary area, such as:
Table of Contents Change this link

How to get there and how to get out, where to stay and what to expect, activities that make this area the largest Expatriate community in the world, cost of living, access to medical care, assisted living and more.



I have been to Pana before and this guide is spot on regarding the ins and outs of Living in Pana. A must-read for first timers. - Chris

The Adventurer's Guide to Pana Living

$14.95 USD

The most comprehensive Guide to Panajachel ever! We have six years of experience living in Pana and decades of retirement adventures. Use this guide to launch your own Guatemalan Adventure. Unique, Unusual, Unmatched Beauty, Panajachel is a Retirement Gem in the Rough. Some people would like an exotic style of retirement, a little different than suburban living in the United States or Canada. Others might be looking for more temperate weather, a place where one doesn’t roast in the summer or freeze in the winter. There are would-be retirees who realize that their savings and retirement income won’t cover the price of the lifestyle they dreamed of in their older years, because costs have gotten too high for daily living. Enter Guatemala as a retirement destination choice. More specifically, Panajachel, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. More info here.

Kudos for writing another descriptive, informative and useful guide, this time for Guatemala! I used The Adventurer's Guide to Guatemala as my primary resource, in addition to Lonely Planet and online research. I followed your recommendations on day trips in Antigua and was not disappointed. The cultural museum and the macadamia nut farm were especially interesting! The information you provided on lake Atitlan was also helpful. What a beautiful place!

One attraction I would like to recommend to fellow adventurers: the alluring natural turquoise colored pools of Semuc Champey. Tropical, mountainous Semuc Champey makes a wonderful 1-2 day stopover for those enroute to Tikal or Rio Dulce/Livingston, and there are convenient shuttles and chicken buses to Flores and Rio Dulce.

I heartily recommend your guide to anyone traveling to Guatemala. Your stories and thoughtful photos really inspire one to get out an explore. Keep up the great work!

Victor Martel

The Adventurer's Guide to Guatemala

$14.95 USD

The Adventurer's Guide to Guatemala we take you from the ancient Maya strongholds of Huehuetenango and Xela to one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the world, Panajachel on the ancient volcanic Lake Atitlan. We show you colorful native markets, the old Colonial capital city of Antigua and give you a sneak peek into the Caribbean side of Guatemala like you have never seen before.

Maya ruins, island cities, exploding volcanoes and the famous brilliantly unique Chicken Buses – it’s all here in this Guide to Guatemala.

Hundreds of photos are included so you can have a personal glimpse into this amazing country! More info here.

I just finished reading the Destination Guide.  It was a quick read, and as in your “main” book that I bought previously, nicely spiced by all the photos, including those of my favorite topic (no, not you guys, sorry!)—food! I am at a decision point where I can take an early retirement/severance package or continue for another few years of stress but good $$.  Trying to sort it out.  Your book was a welcome diversion and perspective.
Very tempting.

The Adventurer's Guide to Destination Choices



  $9.99 USD


The Adventurer's Guide to Destination Choices

Guatemala, Mexico, Thailand, USA

Which one is for you? Stop dreaming about it ! Make it happen! Reduce your cost of living. Find better weather. Create a healthier way of life.  It IS possible to retire and live well on $2,000 USD a month. Click here

The practical information in The Guide is from our knowledge. Boots-on-the-ground -- over three decades of experiences -- we have lived, traveled and researched extensively throughout Guatemala, Thailand, Mexico, and the United States. Our insight will help sort through some of the issues involved in making your retirement destination decision, thus making that choice easier for you.

Thank You Both!  You are great writers and really turn a fine eBook, my favorite literary media.  After all, as another travel wonk I know the value of being able to read 8 titles at once and have them at my fingertips immediately. This book is just even juicier than even the related webpage’s and was totally worth teasing these electrons from this dodgy Guatemalan connection.  I knew I'd need this very readable "weightless" Travel guide to "carry along" as I left behind spectacular Central America's impending rainy season for the Sunny climate of Mexico's beautiful South Pacific beaches.
Chris Smith.

The Adventurer's Guide to the Pacific Coast of Mexico


$5.95 USD

The Adventurer's Guide to the Pacific Coast of Mexico details our route, the places we stayed, prices we paid along this adventure and history and culture of these locations. Click here

164 pages chocked-full of useful info and photos. Includes details on Cuyutlan, San Juan de Lima, Caleta de Campos, Zihuatanejo, Marquelia, Puerto Escondido, Tehuantepec-Tuxtla, San Cristobal, and Comitan.

After each city you will find information on hotels in the area, transportation available, useful notes and the pros and cons of each place, as we view them.

We know that you will find this information both practical and inspiring. Use it as a template to create your own exciting journeys.


We just returned from a fine trip to the Highlands of Mexico. Thanks for your help in planning our journey. As an added bonus I had all of my dental needs taken care of in Ajijic. I paid 25% of what it would have cost in the states and it was done very quickly and professionally.

We continue to enjoy your website. Keep up the good work.  

Cheers, Dennis & Winnie

The Adventurer's Guide to Mexico's Highlands



$5.95 USD

The Adventurer's Guide to Mexico's Highlands details our route, the places we stayed, prices we paid along this adventure and the history and culture of these locations. Click here

96 pages chocked-full of insightful info and photos. Includes details on Bus and airline transportation, lodging and places to visit in Zacatecas, Jerez de Garcia, and Guanajuato.

Traveling through the highlands of Mexico is a must adventure for any traveler. From the famous silver mining city of Zacatecas to the most Mexican town in Mexico, Jerez, and finally the World Heritage and enchanting, University city of Guanajuato. All of these places were unique and unquestionably worth a visit.

Cut and Run Report. Our First 200 Days of Retirement




Cut and Run Report - Our First 200 Days

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

A 28 page Report detailing our first 200 days of financial independence.

There was no word for what we were planning to do. In fact ...

Billy had it all organized. His idea was that we would ...

When we finally cut loose and began to travel, we wrote letters to ...

It’s the number you want to keep an eye out for – because if you can ...   More info here



Bundle Mexico Books

Buy all 4 books and Save more than 27% off the individual pricing!

Four Books, One Low Price


How to travel the world for less report






How to Travel the World For Less

A 9 Page Report

Housing - Transportation - Food

Your three biggest expenses when traveling.

You have control we show you where and how to save.

Your questions our answers vol1





Retire Early Lifestyle Vol.1

Your Questions Our Answers 

100 pages of practical and informative answers.

Is 61 too old to be a Gypsy? - Do you want to know about Continuous care in Latin America? - Should you move your retirement funds to Mexico? - If you are single will you be a fifth wheel in your retirement? -Can you find good internet connections overseas? - Could you see the world on 10k annual income? - and more...

All this and more! TOC here



Your questions our answers vol 2





Retire Early Lifestyle Vol.2

Your Questions Our Answers 

98 pages of practical and informative answers.

Introduction -The World Is Your Oyster - Horrendous and Frightening Healthcare Costs in NYC - Single Woman Going to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Get Out of Debt Using “Loan Forgiveness” Programs - What to Do with Mail on Long-term Travel? - I’m not Yet 30 and Working on Retirement - Rising from the Ashes to Newfound Freedom -  The Power of Having a Plan - and more...

All this and more! TOC here

About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on

Retire Early Lifestyle appeals to a different kind of person – the person who prizes their independence, values their time, and who doesn’t want to mindlessly follow the crowd.

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