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In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this financially independent lifestyle, they invite you to take advantage of their wisdom and experience.

Our Interview with the Mad Fientist

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

Click on an interview that the Mad Fientist did with us and read some comments below.


Billy and Akaisha Kaderli from joined me for an episode of the Financial Independence Podcast to talk about their 20+ years of travel and early retirement.

In 1991, Billy and Akaisha quit their jobs, moved to an island in the Caribbean, and have been traveling the world ever since.

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Thanks so much for this! They are such a wealth of knowledge and a great reminder of what we are working toward. Great interview!!! - Chase

Chase You are absolutely right that they are both incredibly knowledgeable and inspirational. Really glad to hear you enjoyed the interview! - Mad Fientist.

Really a great interview. It’s so fun to hear their perspectives and experiences. Definitely sounds like an attractive lifestyle! - Joshua

To me it sounds like the perfect lifestyle so that’s why I was so excited to speak to them! - Mad Fientist

Brandon, I really enjoyed the Kaderli interview. I’ve listened to several interviews of them and have read several of their books, and I still learned some new things from your interview. How long did it take to arrange the interview, and how did you prepare for the interview? I can also attest that they do respond to their emails. - Jeff

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Great interview! Given your hopes of travel in early retirement I’m glad you decided to talk to them.

For me, the Kaderlis and Terhorsts ignited my passion to seek early retirement. Both truly remarkable couples.

You mentioned it in your interview but it is amazing that they decided to embark on that life without any role models. As Billy mentioned, the 4% rule didn’t even exist – at least not in any meaningful public way. Flexibility and problem solving seem to be the key. It seems to have allowed them to deal with any problem that crosses their path including health care coverage. Thanks for the shout-out in the opening.

Totally not necessary though. - Prob8

I very much enjoyed his interview, thank you for giving us these podcasts! I think one of my favorite parts of the interview was when Akaisha pointed out that the toughest part of pursuing FI was the emotional aspect. I’m finding that as my wife and I get closer to achieving FI (in about 16 months) I am spending more time worrying and thinking about things like status anxiety. That is, how will I handle the fact that I won’t have the newest and biggest toys? At an intellectual level it is very easy for me to simply dismiss those feelings, but I think it’ll be more challenging than that. The numbers aspect of our journey is pretty straightforward and now we have it down to a simple and efficient formula (the usual LBYM coupled with wise investment decisions). Btw, I love the lightning round! Keep up the good work. - Spoonman

The emotions that surround FI are rarely talked about so I also enjoyed listening to Akaisha describe what it was like for her. So far my emotions have been mostly positive but we’ll see what happens next year when I finally reach the finish line. - Mad Fientist

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About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on


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